拉马尔州立大学亚瑟港’s Commercial Music Program prepares students for careers 在音乐行业. 学生在基本技术方面得到全面的训练 音乐制作,录音,编辑和混音. 具备实践经验 by industry professionals, students develop the skills, knowledge and confidence needed 在不断发展的专业编码行业工作. 无论你是一个艺术家 or producer looking to develop your engineering skills or your goal is to become a professional audio engineer, 拉马尔州立大学亚瑟港’s Commercial Music Program 会为你提供成功所需的技能吗.

With small class sizes and a dedicated faculty, students in the 音频工程 Program receive individualized instruction utilizing industry-standard equipment including, AVID, SSL, Focusrite,通用音频和更多. 音频工程专业毕业生 Program will possess a strong understanding of music theory, the arrangement and composition of music, audio recording techniques, music technology, analog and digital signal 流和增益的分期,和音乐产业的现状.


  • 将商业音乐音频技术应用于专业实践
  • 应用 commercial music performance skill to supportaudio engineering practice.
  • 将基本的音乐行业原则应用到专业实践中.
  • Demonstrates professional behavior as characterizedby a commitment to the profession.












音频工程专业毕业生 program at 拉马尔州立大学亚瑟港 can look to find employment as a recording engineer, editor, mixing engineer, mastering engineer, beat maker, producer, sound designer, live sound engineer, broadcast engineer 音乐程序员.

Potential employment opportunities for students with a degree in 音频工程 include studio recording, live sound, sound design for film and television, sound for web content, marketing, advertising, broadcasting, audio equipment technician, songwriting, music programming, music editing, music production, music business and 艺术家的发展.


Course Title SCH
1325年音乐 声学 3
1327年音乐 音频工程I 3
MUSI 1181 钢琴一级 1
MUSI 1303 音乐基础 3
MUSI 1310 美国音乐 3
MUSB 1305 音乐产业调查 3
1211年音乐 商业音乐现场演唱 & 听力训练I 2
1213年音乐 商业音乐理论I 2
1331年音乐 MIDI我 3
2327年音乐 音频工程II 3
MUSI 1182 钢琴二级 1
物理1315或物理1305 物理科学I或基础物理I 3
PHYS 1111或PHYS 1105 物理科学I实验室或基础物理实验室 1
1196年音乐 录音艺术技术/技术员专题 1
1405年音乐 现场音效I 4
2347年音乐 音频工程III 3
数学1314或数学1332 大学代数或定量推理 3
PSYC 1300或PSYC 2301 学习框架或普通心理学 3
MUSB 1423 音频电子产品 4
2403年音乐 现场声音II 4
2448年音乐 音频工程IV 4
SPCH 1315 公众演讲 3
总计   60

Course title SCH
1325年音乐 声学 3
1327年音乐 音频工程I 3
MUSI 1181 钢琴一级 1
MUSI 1303 音乐基础 3
MUSI 1310 美国音乐 3
MUSB 1305 音乐产业调查 3
1211年音乐 商业音乐现场演唱 & 听力训练I 2
1213年音乐 商业音乐理论I 2
1331年音乐 MIDI我 3
2327年音乐 音频工程II 3
MUSI 1182 钢琴二级 1
总计   27

No more than 60-66 semester credit hours (SCH) from 正规靠谱赌博软件 will be applied to a Bachelor 我在拉马尔大学获得学位.

An additional 60 SCH or more must be completed to satisfy the bachelor degree requirements.

学生s may pursue a Bachelor of 沟通 with an emphasis in Broadcasting or 音频/收音机生产.

学生s may also pursue a Bachelor's Degree in Film, Cinematography, Sound Design, 音乐技术,音频工程,或声音作为一门美术.


根据美国国务院的说法 of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics, Audio Engineers can expect to earn a mean hourly wage of $28 per hour and earn a mean annual 年薪58,670美元.  在电影、电视和视频游戏行业工作的收益 平均年薪更高,为75,180美元. 根据美国国务院的说法 of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics, the field of 音频工程 is predicted to 从2012年到2022年增长9%. 


学生s are able to focus on a specific area of commercial music while studying an array of popular forms of music from rock to rap and country to Cajun; students work 发展各种体裁的技巧.


There are three professional recording studios that are available to all students 就读于商业音乐Course. 除了录音室,拉马尔 亚瑟港州立大学 has both a Mac based music production/programming lab and 一个基于PC的音乐作曲实验室. 

What type of equipment will I be able to use at 拉马尔州立大学亚瑟港?

你 will learn to use industry standard recording, editing and mixing equipment. 你 will have access to an array of microphones including Neumann, Royer, Mojave, Lawson, Bock, SoundDelux, AKG和Shure. 学生使用行业标准的数字音频 workstations like Reason, Logic and Pro Tools/Pro Tools HD as well as an array of 优秀的麦克风前置放大器和模拟信号处理器.  


学生s are able to book up to nine hours of studio time per week and can book studio 时间最多提前两周.


It typically takes two years 完成 an Associates of Arts and Science in Sound 记录. A Level 1 Certificate in Live Sound Design and Technology takes one year 完成.


If you begin with the certificate program, all the Courses (with the exception of CETT 1303 DC Circuits, CETT 1305 AC Circuits and CETT 1325 Digital Fundamentals) will 转到学位Course.


This degree requires Courses in music theory, basic piano, live sound, audio electronics, acoustics, music production, music programming, studio recording and audio mixing 和掌握.


拉马尔州立大学亚瑟港分校确实提供就业援助.  学院有自己的职责 所有学生在学校期间都可以访问的董事会.  毕业以后, you can provide the job placement office with a current resume, and they will send 向未来的雇主表白. 商业音乐系的教员将会 work with you to make you aware of positions that match your skill sets.


There are internship opportunities for all sound engineering students.  通常 during your final two semesters on campus, you will work as an intern at a local studio, 演出场地或现场音响公司.  这次实习经历可以 作为专业经验放在简历上. 许多实习都让你建立了人脉 机会,兼职和全职工作.

  • Dr. 布拉斯特区一个. Canedo-Gonzalez
  • 商业音乐,视觉和表演艺术主席
  • 山姆和琳达·门罗表演艺术中心大楼144号办公室
  • 409-984-6547
  • canedoba@stubu.net




“I have had a wonderful experience at 拉马尔州立大学亚瑟港. 老师们 have really worked with me to personalize my demanding learning experience. 商业 Music Department provides a small community for all of those involved with any field of music to share with others with common interests and make connections in the field 找工作. 我很高兴能在拉马尔州立大学港口分校学习 亚瑟和我打算学习这里提供给我的一切.”


“我一直想唱歌、制作和录制音乐. 就读拉马尔州立大学 Port Arthur has taught me lots of important information that I needed to know. 我计划 on using the information I learned at 拉马尔州立大学亚瑟港 to help me with 我作为音频工程师和制作人的职业生涯. 我强烈建议任何想要 to pursue a career in the music business or audio engineering field enroll at Lamar 亚瑟港州立大学.”

贾斯汀J. 2015年白春

“My overall experience at 拉马尔州立大学亚瑟港 has been great. 老师们 are reasonable and the classes are enjoyable even though some are hard. 我的经验 我在商业音乐系的经历是值得记住的.”

Darrel Lewis 2015春季

正规靠谱赌博软件的 年度保安及消防安全报告 is provided in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy 以及《正规靠谱赌博软件》(20 USC§1092(f), 34 CFR 668).46).




  • Dr. 布拉斯特区一个. Canedo-Gonzalez
  • 商业音乐,视觉和表演艺术主席
  • 山姆和琳达·门罗表演艺术中心大楼144号办公室
  • 409-984-6547
  • canedoba@stubu.net


Leads to a Bachelor of 沟通 with an emphasis in Broadcasting or Audio/Radio 四年制学院/大学的制作



